Losing Faith

Part of the narrative in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s loss to Tronald Dumpster has been that Russia “hacked” the election. This whole thing just makes me frustrated with my fellow humans.

Not because I have some sort of affinity for Russia; I think Putin’s a douche canoe and wouldn’t put interference past him. Not because I roll my eyes so hard they get stuck in the back of my head every time I hear the word “hack”, defined as “finding a way to obtain a desired result”, in a context that involves absolutely no actual hacking. Not because the United States government routinely interferes in elections around the world without batting an eye, meaning it’s kind of childish for Americans to get all uppity when someone does it to them.

I’m frustrated with my fellow humans because we fucking fell for it.

Russia didn’t literally hack into the voting rolls and change the ballot count. They selectively released (dis)information in a biased manner to influence voters against Clinton and toward Trump. Sure, they had an ulterior motive, but at the end of the day all they did is present information to us. We had to choose what to do with that information. And we chose to elect Donald Fucking Trump President of the United States of America despite the fact that there is absolutely no fucking reasonable circumstances where that could ever, ever be the correct choice. 

Everyone wants to blame Russia for Clinton’s loss, but it is not Russia’s fault that we are a country of fucking idiots. Kudos to them for recognizing that we are dumb as shit and using that to their advantage by getting us to elect the worst President ever. Well played, Russia.

Fast forward to the recent election for Alabama’s vacant Senate seat in which Democrat Doug Jones narrowly beat Roy “I like to fuck 14 year olds” Moore, the Republican candidate. Let me be very clear: Roy Moore is a fucking pedophile. And he barely lost. Why was the election so close? How did a sexual predator of literal children almost win? Because white people are fucking garbage.


I am saying this as a white person, to my fellow white people: seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? We were presented with the option of voting for a pedophile — a fucking pedophile — and we took the ball and ran with that fucker as long and as hard as we could. We voted for that molester allllll day long. We had the chance to show our support for an old man that wants to have sex with little girls and we slam fucking dunked it.

I just don’t know what to say at this point. We can go on and on trying to explain this shit away but at the end of the day, we are individuals with ostensibly functioning brains and “free will”. The information is presented to us and we are entrusted with the power of thinking carefully, considering things from all perspectives, and making the best decision given the resources available to us. And we keep fucking it up like a bunch of fucking dumb asses. 

Some days I just want to give up.

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