Nikki Haley’s epic pout-fest

This week, the US vetoed an otherwise-unanimous decision in the UN Security Council condemning Trump’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. A General Assembly vote then followed, in which the final tally was 128-9 in favor of condemning Trump’s recognition. It was a pretty epic trouncing.

Trump’s representative at the UN, predictably, threw a giant fucking tissy fit like the whiny little baby she is.

Arguing that, because the US contributes financially to supporting the UN, they should (apparently) always get what they want because the customer is always right or something, and that this was all a big conspiracy to embarrass ‘Murica, the US would be “taking names” of the countries that voted for the resolution.

Yep. She’s going to take 128 names.

I’m sure the entire fucking world is shaking in its boots. 

I have some advice, Ms. Haley. Given how lopsided this vote was, maybe you should stop and honestly assess the implications. What I mean is…maybe it’s not them, maybe it’s you. It really could be possible that this was just a dumb fucking idea and no one else agrees with it, couldn’t it? So please, just stop. Stop embarrassing our country with this 7th grade bully “we’re taking names” nonsense and whiny “boo hoo hoo, you don’t agree with me and it hurts my feelings, I’m taking my ball and going home” bullshit. If you act like a fucking idiot and people call you out on it, it’s not their fault. It’s yours. Just stop digging this hole deeper. Stop humiliating us.